about me.

I have been putting the “disco” into the self-discovery space for over 10 years now.

Many coaching programs make people feel like they need to be “fixed.” But, I’m here to inspire sacred rebellion as a path to personal freedom. That means taking a look at the stories we tell ourselves, and how people-pleasing and the never ending quest for perfection is getting in the way of the life you want.

This type of work should be fun and empowering, while making room for a real and complex person. So, I decided to build it that way.

Formally trained at the Coaches Training institute 2013-2014, CTI has been called the “gold standard” of coaching by the Institute of Coaching, a Harvard Medical School affiliate. NBD. The rest of what I know is from the School of Life, where I am still a student.

my mission.

create transformational experiences that reveal personal brilliance.

my blueprint.

magical mistakes.

sacred rebellion.

creative courage.

radical joy.

“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.

— Dolly Parton